Welcome to our new website! This way we would like to introduce our French Bulldogs! Here you can take a look of their pedigrees and you can also find all the information about exhibitions and our other activities! We hope you are going to enjoy it, don’t hesitate to contact us! Thank you for your time!
Quite by case we came in contact with the world of Frenchies, and the love for boule breed was born... We have to mention that this love does not subside with time, but it becomes just stronger and stronger...
The first French Bulldog comes into our home in 2007. His name is Toto. He is our great love, but unfortunately due to congenital health problems he lives with us just a little more than a year...
2008 – Nenad starts the internship for the canine judge. 2010 – reach the goal and becomes the judge for the French Bulldog.
Our primary objective is to contribute at least a small part in preserving the breed, breeding and genetic health of the French Bulldog - the perfect friend. All this needs to be done for future generations and future owners, to let them enjoy this little wonder capable of getting under your skin and the blanket as well.
We are proud members of the Kennel Club Odzaci, Serbia.
Kennel is registered with the FCI and KSS at the end of 2011 – under the number 5251.
For now, that’s all folks...
Greetings to all dog lovers.